The following terms apply to any orders and purchases you make from this website.
You must not order or purchase goods from us:
We may accept any order for the supply of goods (in whole or in part), or decline any order. We are not liable to you in respect of those goods that we are unable to supply to you, provided that we refund any amounts paid by you in respect of the unsupplied goods.
Once you have placed an order, please note that we are unable to cancel or edit your order. Accordingly, please ensure all product and delivery details are correct.
In the unlikely event that the goods received are faulty or defective, not as ordered or not of acceptable quality (as defined in s54(2) of Schedule 2 to the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth), please contact us on 0438 066 477and we will attempt to remedy the situation as soon as possible. If we are unable to supply you with wine of the vintage that you ordered, we reserve the right to substitute it for the same wine of a different vintage.
Unless the purchaser expressly provides to the contrary, the purchaser requests the seller to deliver the goods to the purchaser. Any delivery timeframes specified by us are indicative only. We are not liable for any loss or damage that you may suffer if delivery is not made within the delivery timeframes or it is delayed for any reason.
Please note that we can’t deliver wine outside of Australia. We‘re also not obliged to deliver the goods to a location where our nominated contractor or agent does not provide delivery services. The person we deliver to has to be aged 18 years or over (and may be asked to provide proof of age). If no-one is at the delivery address, or if there is no-one aged 18 or over, an attempted delivery notice will be left at the delivery address and you will need to collect your wine from the location specified in the notice.
All prices are listed and transacted in Australian Dollars (AUD). Payment is only deemed to have been made once it has been received by us. The price of the goods (and delivery services if applicable) in relation to an order will be calculated by reference to the prices specified on the site at the time that order is placed. Where you have paid for the goods at the time of ordering, title and risk in the goods passes to you on delivery of the goods to the delivery address.